It's nice to meet you, and by the looks of it, it looks like you like to read!
That was a bit of a tongue twister!
Anyway, here's our story (the short version!)
We are very lucky
We survived a car crash
Cheated death
...a deep convo for another time.
I’m telling you this because it flicked a switch in our minds
We experienced an identity shift
We could do anything. The control we have on our lives is something we don’t take for granted
That’s when our entrepreneurial journey started properly
Mindset - check!
Goal - check!
Solid strategy - oops!
We didn’t have one. We were winging it. Until we weren’t…
Let me explain...
Our journey to grow our authority online came from sharing our stories whilst we helped entrepreneurs to discover theirs.
Both of us finished university and went straight into corporate roles,
Antonia, working as an Interior Designer, running multi-million pound projects and becoming the ultimate mind reader!
Clients weren’t clear with what they wanted so she had to create stories that they desired to live and then execute them through her designs.
It worked wonders and she fast became a top performer
I (Freddie) worked in digital media, in fact, I was a Product Manager at the worlds largest digital publishing company.
We had over 500m monthly users.
Antonia and I built a property business alongside our corporate jobs and learnt an awful lot about project management, but most importantly, we used storytelling to get people interested in what we were doing and ultimately sell the properties at a profit.
People don’t buy houses for what it is, they buy it for the memories they can create in it
They buy into the story
Little did we know, we had been building stories throughout our professional careers.
Here’s another turning point in our lives:
Whilst building our property business, we burnt out
We neglected our health and felt hugely overwhelmed. We weren’t alone.
We spoke to many entrepreneurs feeling the same as we did, so what did we do next?
No, we didn't sit around feeling sorry for ourselves
Instead, we built a community of entrepreneurs who wanted to grow their business without sacrificing their health.
And THIS was a hot topic
Before we knew it, we had hundreds of entrepreneurs in our community from all corners of the world
Had hundreds of thousands eyeballs on us online
And we were invited to speak on TV, national magazines and inspiring podcasts
Oh, did I mention this was through free, organic PR?
We had built a community of people who were interested in our movement, on the same journey as us and picking our brains on business strategy
Then our business grew.
We started packaging up our offers to tell people how we did it… but that soon became a drag
We were being compared to other companies in the same niche
Which frustrated us hugely because we knew we were different; we were better
We just didn’t know how to convey this message
So we began to write stories that were fun, engaging, interactive, educational, relatable, credible and inspiring through our marketing
Can you guess what worked better?
I mean, you don’t need to be a genius to decide
The answer was staring right at us
No one had been on the journey that we had
No one had experienced the things that we did
So we used this to our advantage.
Hire us to grow your business for you
Here, we will dig deep into the 3 main stories you need to share:
1. Origin story
2. Product/offer story
3. Current story
Through workshops and alignment calls, we will find out what you and your brand want to be known for. If we put you up on stage in front of 3,000 people, what are you going to talk about?
Now it's time to get the visibility you deserve through increasing your LinkedIn presence which builds your authority and trust, whilst also crafting your stories to help you stand out and gain the right attention.
Here we can also experiment with ads to get more eyeballs on you and your offer, utilise your landing pages so they help with conversion and show your brands personality through newsletters to help build a community of raving fans.
It's time to pour a TON of value into your audience through email nurture sequences and lead magnets.
What is your value proposition? Is it full and remarkable? What’s the transformation you are going to achieve for someone or why does your product improve someone's life? Where are you leaving money on the table? These are the questions you need to ask yourself.
Marketing doesn't have to be hard
It doesn't have to be boring
And you don't need to pull your hair out in the process
That’s why we do what we do
Because we’ve seen that it works and we want to do the same for you.
Do you have an amazing product or service and the absolute confidence that it will make a difference to someone's life…
..but not enough people are seeing it, let alone buying it?
That's because the marketing landscape is changing
People buy from people
And just as Maya Angelou said, people forget what you said, they forget what you did, but they’ll always remember how you made them feel
Your marketing needs to spark emotion and a positive transformation.
Younger generations rely heavily on something we have named The Checkback
They lack trust
They don't just buy from a brand
They WILL checkback to a founder, a creator, or a person of authority in the business to validate their credibility to sell.
If psychology tells us anything, its that behaviours are contagious
So whilst your ideal client might not be from the younger generation
We are already seeing this change in buying intent across the board.
If you're consuming, not creating
Leading with logic, not emotion
And spending too much time comparing yourself to others, rather than staying in your own lane
You’re on a collision course to blending in
Just like we were
Thought this page was just about us?
Turns out, it’s always about you when storytelling.